Final Destination 4 Full Movie

Final Destination 4 Full Movie Rating: 5,0/5 6876 votes
We check out the next installment of the hit horror franchise.. in 3-D!
By Brian Linder

Haley Webb in The Final Destination (2009) Nick Zano at an event for The Final Destination. Final Destination 4 See more ». See full technical specs ». If the movie does not work, please try to stream it with other browser.

Final Destination 4 Full Movie

Remember a couple of years ago when horror movies were all the rage? It was good times for genre devotees there for a while, but the post-Saw resurgence was short-lived. The market became flooded, audiences grew bored, and most recent releases, even installments of well-known horror franchises, have met a grizzly end at the box office. But one horror franchise may weather the storm: Final Destination. The FD flicks, while not exactly known for their originality, have continued to be a fun diversion for their shocking death scenes and wicked sense of humor. It's the wink and nudge vibe that's distanced the franchise from the whole 'torture porn' subgenre which has taken the real beating from moviegoers. That brings us to the inevitable fourth film in the series, 14220036.html'>Final Destination 4. And this time, it's in 3-D!

Go ahead and roll your eyes. We did. That is until we made our way to the movie's New Orleans set last weekend. It was there that we got the scoop from producer Craig Perry, director David Ellis (Snakes on a Plane) and the movie's hot young cast. We even experienced some of the movie's 3-D action firsthand and it's more than convinced us about the future of the franchise and the format.

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The set itself is contained within a New Orleans warehouse district. And as we made our way towards the action, we passed numerous extras covered in made-up gore -- some with nails sticking out of their bodies and even one dude with his eye hanging out.

Director David Ellis on the set of Final Destination 2

Final Destination 4 is being shot in HD 3-D using the PACE camera system, James Cameron's technique of choice on the upcoming Avatar. And FD4 is actually the first movie filmed on practical locations to use the technology. Proponents of next generation 3-D, most notably Cameron, have been saying for a while now that the technology will soon shed it's gimmicky perceptions and may even cross the genre barrier into dramas and the like. Believe it or not, Final Destination 4 looks like it could be the beginning of that. Yes, it has plenty of shocking deaths that make use of the 3-D presentation in just the way you'd expect (a severed head comes flying at the camera at one point), but in the footage shown to us by Perry the more mundane moments are just as impressive for their immersiveness. There's an establishing shot of a mall interior, for instance, that really pulled us into the scene. And simple things like watching the characters talking.. the 3-D really makes you feel like you're there with them. Then there are the scares, like an ingenious car wash sequence featuring actress Haley Webb where the machinery malfunctions causing her Scion to get stuck on the track.. 'and bad things happen,' as Perry quipped frequently during our time on set.

The story is, not surprisingly, similar to previous installments, but don't expect the rules of cheating death to get as much talk time as they did in the prior films. In fact, it sounds a little bit like a semi-reboot of the series. Ps2 game torrents. Many of the franchise staples, such as the voice over by Candyman actor Tony Todd, are getting nixed. But there's still plenty of the trademark gruesomeness, this time centered around a group of teens who cheat Death at a stock car race. Nick (Bobby Campo) has a premonition of a horrific crash -- the first of many he experiences throughout the course of the movie -- and manages to save several people. But his heroics have a horrific outcome when Death comes back for the survivors.

'Let's be realistic,' Perry confesses to the group of journalists gathered in the craft services tent, 'Final Destination movies have a certain formula that works. I think we lucked out on the first one by coming up with an interesting fulcrum that we can balance a lot of things on. That, married with the prospect of doing it in 3-D, I think facilitated us coming up with a bunch of scenarios that were fresh, original and yet familiar.'

Perry explains the new approach they're taking with Death this way: 'If you've survived something, you're not going to have this angst-ridden mortality question,' he says. 'You're going to be like, 'F****** aye! I made it!' The next step is that notion that you escaped Death, and now it's coming back after you. That's one of the things I think really helped this particular movie distinguish itself from the other movies. It's tonally more on target with how kids are today. And it won't just be the obvious jerks getting their just desserts either. Death won't be nearly as selective, and may start going after a few people we like in this movie as well.'


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The Final Destination, also known as Final Destination 4, is the fourth film in the Final Destination series, released in 2009.

Final Destination 4 Full Movie 123movies

Nick and his friends are visiting a race car tournament when he receives a premonition of a car crash, setting off a chain reaction that causes the stadium to collapse. After escaping the accident, he soon realizes that he and his friends are hunted by Death.

This film provides examples of:

  • Asshole Victim: Carter and Hunt.
  • All There in the Manual: The wiki has most of the secondary victims' last names and facts on their individual pages.
  • Blood from the Mouth: Lori's death is in a way caused by this; her leg getting crushed by escalator gears somehow causes her to spit up a large amount of blood onto her arm, which the main character is holding on to. As he slips, more and more of her body is dragged in, and eventually she either dies or passes out from the trauma and falls in getting mulched into mince.
  • Call-Back: The opening sequence showcases most of the deaths in the previous films, usually through x-ray shots of skeletal damage.
  • Car Fu: George Lanter VS an ambulance.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • The opening sequence depicts the various deaths from the previous three films from the perspective of an x-ray camera.
    • Early in the movie, shortly after the scene with the vision, news on TV are asking 'Are amusement parks going the way of the dinosaurs?' The previous movie's accident couldn't have helped..
  • Conveyor Belt o' Doom: The escalator, possibly the series' goriest death.
  • Death by Ambulance: When the security guard is mentioning a feeling of 'déjà vu' and is run down by a careening ambulance twice.
  • Death by Racism: The first victim is a redneck who has NO compunctions whatsoever about calling African Americans 'the N-word'. (His character is actually listed as 'Racist' in the end-credits.) He is given a spectacularly hilarious and humiliating end when he tried to burn a cross KKK-style in front of the black lead's house; his tow truck, dragging his burning and screaming carcass, twists the knife by playing War's anti-racism tract 'Why Can't We Be Friends?' on the radio before it spectacularly explodes. The kicker? Dragging a black man from a car is a known (if uncommon) method of lynching, as seen with the murder of James Byrd, Jr. In other words, the guy got lynched.
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  • Denser and Wackier: The deaths in this film are so over-the-top and ridiculous with many campy dialogues, not to mention Nick's infamous Dull Surprise throughout the entire film that it's as if the filmmakers have finally embraced the fact that the franchise really is camp on paper, whereas previous films have at least tried to be serious horror. Doubly surprising because the director of this film previously directed the second film, which many consider as the darkest (and most realistic) film in the series.
  • Downer Ending: Although Nick, Lori, and Janet think they manage to escape Death when Nick stops the cinema disaster from happening, it turns out that Death is the one who gave Nick the premonitions. In other words, Death is just playing with them, and in the epilogue, he has had enough fun. Cue the truck crashing through the cafe.
  • Dull Surprise: Bobby Campo's default facial expression throughout the film. Even when he's impaled in his premonition.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto: Race track. Full stop.
  • Exploding Barrels: The source of the mall collapse.
  • Eye Scream: 'I've got my eye on you!'
  • Foreshadowing: Taken to extremes. As if the commercials weren't bad enough Nick has brief images depicting how a character will die just moments before their death.
  • Fold Spindle Mutilation: Hunt dies when his organs are violently sucked out of his anus by a pool drain and catapulted in a gory display, along with the coin he tried to get from the bottom of the pool.
  • Forgot About His Powers: Janet, despite having nearly died in the car wash accident, tells Lori that she's being paranoid and/or going crazy for believing that Death still has it out for them.
  • Free Wheel: Nadia, the first victim of Death's damage-control dies when a burning tire from the (unseen) mass pileup is flung clear out of the stadium and plummets down onto her in the parking lot, pulping a large part of her upper body from mid chest up. Her last words: 'Have you all lost your fucking minds?'
  • Gas Cylinder Rocket: How the mechanic gets catapulted into a chain-link fence.
  • Giving Them the Strip: Played with when Lori's shoelace gets caught in the escalator. It looks like it'll be either this trope or the opening gambit of her gruesome demise, but when the shoelace snaps of its own accord it becomes Foreshadowing.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: The deaths of Nick, Lori & Janet are so brutal that the camera switches to a CGI x-ray shot showing bones snapping, skulls crushed, etc.
    • Also counts as Book-Ends, since the opening credits used the same effect for previous movie deaths.
  • Ground by Gears: After barely escaping an explosion in the mall, Lori is pulled into the exposed machinery of a broken escalator and is torn to shreds as Nick looks on. Of course, this turned out to be another premonition and he is able to prevent it. In an alternate scene, he ends up getting pulled in as well.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: The racist and his wife in the original vision.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Nick's girlfriend Lori.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Nick pulls this in one of the alternate endings (although he could have thought it through some more). What makes it heroic is that he chooses to save everyone in the mall, not just the people he knows personally. Unfortunately, Death still gets Lori and Janet.
  • Hope Spot: Twice, no less.
    • The gang thinks that by saving Janet and George from their respective deaths, they have managed to cheat Death. Thus, Nick and Lori decide to take a vacation, but the latter wants to watch a movie first with Janet. However, Nick realizes that there is another survivor in the stadium collapse who is in Death's List before Janet/Hunt: the Cowboy, but because he didn't go with Nick outside in the stadium, he is still injured all the same. Nick and George fail to save him, and George abruptly dies from being hit by an ambulance. Followed by the cinema disaster..(which turns out to be another premonition).
    • After preventing the cinema disaster, Nick, Lori, and Janet think that Death may has finally skipped them from Death's List, hence they celebrate their survival in a cafe weeks afterward. Yet Nick realizes that it may have been very well that Death is the one who gave him the premonitions, and they are never safe to begin with. Followed by the speeding truck..
  • Hypocritical Humor: The guy who yells at the rock-throwing boys for being stupid: never mind how he's smoking while filling his lawn mower with gasoline.
  • Improbable Infant Survival: One of the victims is a mother of two and her kids are seen escaping the accident at the start while she gets separated and killed off. Unfortunately, there were a bunch of other children in the stadium that didn't get out, as seen in the memorial scene.
  • Kill 'Em All: The film outright confirms a theory that has been long postulated about the series: Death is the one who gave the protagonists the premonitions. And no one can truly escape Death's List. Ever. How everyone in the series died was always the way Death intended them to die in the first place.
  • Kill It with Fire: This is how Carter dies. He gets hooked onto his truck as it starts moving forward and spilling gasoline, and he ignites and the truck explodes.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: When leaving the hospital, George starts casually talking about how he has a feeling déjà vu, and then.. Well, see Look Both Ways below.
  • Look Both Ways: George gets run over by an ambulance while leaving a hospital.
  • Mythology Gag: The falling tub death is completely identical to one of the deaths in the spin-off book End of the Line.
  • Oddly Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo: After two numerical sequels, the fourth film is called The Final Destination, then the fifth one is just Final Destination 5. The Final Destination is, however, referred to as Final Destination 4 at the end of part 5.
  • Off with His Head!: Nadia Monroy.
  • Oh, Crap!: Twice, corresponding to the Hope Spot mentioned above.
    • Nick gets an epic one when he realizes that there is another survivor in Death's List before Janet/Hunt.
    • And again, this time Nick, Lori, and Janet, when Nick reveals that Death is just playing them off.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: The main characters all have their names mentioned in the credits, but secondary ones (Carter, Samantha, Andy, Jonathan, etc.) are only referred to by nicknames (Racist, MILF, Gearhead, and Cowboy, respectively). You'd have to go to the wiki for their proper names, or listen closely to the news broadcasts in the background of certain scenes.
  • Plot Hole: In the premonition, the cowboy's death comes before Hunt and Janet were crushed by debris. However, in the 'real world', the audience only learns that he's still alive after Hunt has already been killed, and after Lori and George had saved Janet from near-certain death in the car wash. Apparently, Death wasn't too strict about the order in which people died this time.
    • It could be possible that Janet survived slightly longer due to falling rubble not always being an instant death, and she died in the same explosion that killed George and Lori
  • Prophecy Armor: George Lanter discovers, much to his despair, that Death's game is played by Its rules alone. He decides to kill himself to try to appease Death (because as he sees it, what is the point of keeping on fighting?), only for his every attempt (as he mentions: overdosing, gunshot, hanging, trying to choke with his car's fumes) to just not work.
  • Series Fauxnale: This was supposed to be the last film of the series, as in TheFinal Destination, but as it became highest grossing entry (to date), another film was produced. However, in terms of in-universe chronology, The Final Destination is technically the latest set of events as Final Destination 5 reveals itself to be a prequel to the first film.
  • Shirtless Scene: Nick and Hunt each get their own.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Suggests the premonitions are part of Death's design to begin with and that no one ever had a chance of escaping.
  • Special Effects Failure: Some of the effects here somehow manage to look worse than past films.
    • In his premonition, Nick is thrown backward by an explosion and impaled on a pipe. The extent of his injuries include a CG bloodstain that appears on his shirt in a fade transition and a tiny trickle of Blood from the Mouth. It's also very obvious the actor is simply standing in front of a green screen.
  • Stupid Sacrifice: The original ending had Nick grab one of the flammable canisters in the mall, look around to see there were too many to remove..and jump out of the window with one to cause an explosion and set off an alarm. Wait, what? Why not just throw the canister out on its own? Doubly dumb due to the fact that Lori and Janet die moments later outside anyways.
  • Token Minority: George.
  • Torso with a View: The mechanic gets diced by a chain-link fence, and a diamond-shaped piece falls through to allow the audience a clear view of the other surviving characters freaking out.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: At least half the deaths from the film were spoiled in the commercials. Subverted with Janet, whom we all thought was going to get her face ripped off in the car wash.
    • Likewise subverted with Lori getting crushed in the escalator gears. We do see that happen, but it turns out to be another premonition of Nick's.
  • Vapor Trail: Kills the redneck.
  • Very Loosely Based on a True Story: The pool death was probably based on Abigail Taylor, though she didn't die from the event itself.
  • Wham Line: Nick: 'What if we didn't change anything, what if us being here, right now,..was the plan from the beginning?'

Alternative Title(s):The Final Destination


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